Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's a ...

We've been enjoying Lane Smiths "It's a Book" and have written our own versions of the story.

Here's the book trailer to give you an idea of the story flow:

Here's Hannah's version:

It's a piece of paper
“Whats that?”asked Weirdo.

“It’s a piece of paper”, said Wizard Smarty-pants.

“Can it change channels?” asked Weirdo.

“No, it’s a piece of paper,” answered Wizard Smarty-pants.

“Does it need a remote control”, Weirdo.

“No, it’s a piece of paper”.

“Can it make this sound effect”, BOOM BOOM POW! “I don’t mean this one I mean that one”, BANG!”


“Can I look at it?”


“I will just plug it in and put the antenna on the roof”


Friday, October 22, 2010

The Big Day in Te Papa

I was waiting in the wings for the big moment to occur.

“…and please welcome the Keynote Singers from Raumati Beach School!” said one of the people.

We all ran on stage and performed. I was as happy as a person winning lotto. When we were done we stepped to the front of the stage and bowed.

Then we all waved and ran of stage. When we got back to the “dressing room”, Mr Farrely came and awarded us with…….

200 DOLLARS! WOW! We were all amazed. Then we got an hour and 15 minutes to explore Te Papa.

It was a great day that I will always remember.

Beaten by their best game.

“Shakaia dashed past the attackers, so close, can’t be beaten , can’t stop now, and.. and… and she makes it past the line!!! Oh, the glory, we got a score.” I made to the base!! Passing the flag behind our backs, I put my hand up my shirt because I’m the distraction!! I run out, they look at me, Taurean shoots past, this could be it, he ducks, he dashes, just a couple more steps, he’s over the line, he gets a point!!!!! We win the plate!! ♥☻!!! My whole class is running round screaming, Including me. Its amazing!!!! I throw my hat in the air. They were beaten by their best game!!!

The Plate of Resilience!

On Thursday Room 9 challenged Room 10 to the plate. The plate is something that year 5 & 6’s try to win by playing a game aginst another class. We played flag-tag, (best out of three) which is a game that Room 9 is quite bad at.

I was the person that made sure Room 10 didn’t get off of their side, but I was mostly guarding Caley and the tall Emily because they were too easy to get. Some people like Keren and Sam were trying to trick me by pretending to be tagged but I didn’t fall for it.

The first round went by and we won (well at least I think we did, it’s quite confusing really). Then the second round and they won =( I was disappointed and puffed but I wasn’t going to let my class down. The last round seemed like the longest and the hardest but after what seemed like hours people on my team started screaming when I looked in the direction of the screaming I saw that Taurean had the flag which had meant…



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Student comments on Super Scoopers stories

Group one: Little Red Riding Hood by Louise N
We thought the pictures worked well with the story. We like the detail of the story and how it made the story different. It was easy for everyone to read.

Group Two: Little Red Riding Hood by Lusia M
Your description was really good. We thought you did good paragraphing. We liked the twist at the end and thought the pictures related well to the story.

Group Three: The Present I couldn't open
We thought the pictures were really cool. We also thought that it was a 'mint' story and it was cool that it was real. Also the present was 'mintage'. (mint = good/cool)

Group Four: The Worst Diary Entry
We thought the story was great. We like the way you set it out. Thanks for sharing it with us. Also thanks for dedicating it to us.

Group Five: Little Red Riding Hood by Ella M
We found the blurb interesting and the pictures fascinating. We also thought the layout was good too. We all liked the story.

Thanks for sharing your stories with us.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Writing Collaboration

Earlier this year Room 9 students collaborated with students from the Super 7 scoopers @ St Clair's school in Dunedin. Super 7 Students wrote some stories and Room 9 RBS students edited the stories. We did this using Google Docs.

During the last holidays Ms F met up with Mrs Bee at Ulearn10 Conference in Christchurch. Mrs Bee had a surprise for Ms F - copies of the finished stories! They had been turned into real books!

Ms F got us into 5 groups and we each got a book to read. It was great to see the finished work.